Assemble a Team

Assemble a team

Where possible, keep your team local. You will know what the people who live around you want, and the audience is a reflection of those in the planning positions.

Some key roles to think about:

Someone to be responsible for organising and making things happen

Keeping on top of the admin, meeting notes, finances.

Making the soup or at least sourcing the catering

Community / Content Manager
Spreading the word through local channels, contacting local media outlets and running social media pages to raise awareness.

Applicant Recruiter
Reaching out to organisations who may be able to refer on potential presenters, attending events to meet with community groups and social entrepreneurs, as well as following up with presenters after each event to get feedback.

Please Note:
These roles are by no means the extent to which people can get involved, and at the same time we’re not saying these all need to be filled before you can get going. Our SOUP team started small and has grown as we’ve gained momentum and got the word out.

Last updated on February 5, 2023