Event Hosting Guide

Event Hosting Guide

The following guide assumes a host and co-host to assist in the event delivery. We've roughly assigned speakers for different sections however we encourage you to play and alter this formula

Event script and runsheet:

|-|-| |Host:|Welcome| ||Acknowledgement of Country| ||Introduction to co-host|

|Co-Host:|Speech on purpose of the event
Why we are gathered and what to expect from the night| ||Back to Host|

|Host:|Housekeeping| ||Encourage social media posting| ||Contributors: Host invites a one minute intro from people/ organisations that you have partnered with (including venue)| ||Icebreaker: Turn to someone you don’t know, shake their hand and intro, then chat about: why you’re here / what you love about where you live| ||On to the presentations. These are up to 3 minutes, no technology, then chance for up to 3 questions from you in the audience| ||Remind audience to be as supportive as possible, then will vote using your token. Announce prize pot for the evening| ||[Presenter & Project names] Introduce each presenter and project name prior to they go on.| ||Thanks to our presenters, round of applause for them all| ||Time for a break, for soup and to vote. Opportunity to mingle some more, chat to the pitchers and contributors if you’re interested in what they’re up to| ||[Mention name tags with number of soup events attended as conversation starter if relevant]| ||We’ll be back in [length of break]|


|Host|Has everyone voted?
We’re away to count them| ||Introduce musician|

|Live Music Interlude||

|Host|Thank you [musician] for that performance. You can check them out [musicians social media channels]| ||Announce result of vote, have winner speak briefly| ||Congrats to all the presenters| ||Any SOUP announcements (e.g. next event)| ||Thank you’s| ||Hand back to co-host to wrap-up|

|Co-Host|End of night speech, remind about purpose again, cover off what happened throughout the evening, thanks for attending and hope to see you again soon.|

Last updated on February 5, 2023